Kinky Angels 1 DVD - Duroy - Kategorien - Best Studios
Hersteller: Duroy Kinky Bareback
59,75 EUR
incl. 20 % USt
Fresh, sexy and uninhibited - the youngest generation of BelAmi models make their debut in KINKY ANGELS.
CAST: Kevin Warhol Jaco Van Sant, Harris Hilton, Manuel Rios, Sean Davis und mehr...
Bei Interesse klicke zu allen Belami oder Ayor Filme ab 19,75 €
Wolfi der Chef von liebt Ayorstudio und Belamifilme, weil diese im Preis Leistung extreme Gute Bewertungen haben !!! Hier ein ppar Bilder von neuen Belami Film Kinky Angels 1 und von mir....
Kinky Angels is the ultimate uber-twink collection. Fresh, sexy and uninhibited, watch as the youngest generation of Bel Ami models make their debut in Kinky Angels Part 1.
From George Duroy's notes:
"One day in May last year, Kevin appeared on my doorstep. Off his right
hand hung a duffle bag. On his back he carried a brimming rucksack out
of which poked his favorite pair of teddy bear slippers. With a soccer
ball under his left arm and lunch sack in hand he beamed "Good morning,
Mr. George. Would it would be okay if I stayed with you for a while?"
Thus far, "a while" has been a year. Kevin now shares a floor with Luke
Hamill, who periodically grumbles that more socks than usual have gone
"missing," and gives my housekeeper yet another mouth to feed and
requests to attend to. Thus, any account of Kevin Warhol I could write
is doomed to partiality. Kevin is a part of my life and household.
Kinky Angels is the ultimate uber-twink collection. Fresh, sexy and
uninhibited, watch as the youngest generation of Bel Ami models make
their debut in Kinky Angels Part 1.
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