Fantasy Of An Open Relationship DVD Next Door Male
Hersteller: Next Door Male (New)
39,75 EUR
incl. 20 % USt
Spielzeit 118 min
Mark Long erzählt Trevor Jones von seiner Affäre mit irgendeinem heißen
Typen. Er macht sich nicht wirklich Gedanken, doch Mark meint er muss
sich keine Sorgen machen. Er nimmt ihn mit ins Schlafzimmer, um zu
beweisen, dass er der einzige für ihn ist. Nachdem er ihm auf dem
Parkplatz begegnet, rechnete Mark gar nicht damit, dass er nach Hause
kommt und Scott Finn dabei erwischt, wie er seinem festen Freund Trevor
James einen bläst. Mark gibt Scott das Signal weiterzumachen, während er
seine Hose aufmacht und sein gigantisches Penis zum Vorschein kommt.
Mark Long describes his hook-up with a random hottie to Trevor Jones. He
isn't that concerned, but Mark tells him he has nothing to worry about.
He takes him to the bedroom to prove he is the only one. After being
confronted by him in the parking lot, the last thing Mark expected to
come home and find was Scott Finn blowing his boyfriend, Trevor Jones.
Mark gestures for Scott to proceed, as he unzips his pants and unleashes
his gigantic cock. Scott Finn is willing to share but Danny Gunn tells
him there's time for that later. Right now, he'd really like if they
could focus on themselves. Surprised, Ryan Jordan comes home and finds a
stranger in his home hallway cleaning. Scott Finn notices Ryan checking
him out and asks him if he'd like a piece of what he was just staring
Directed By: Rocco Fallon
Cast: Danny Gunn, Mark Long, Ryan Jordan, Scott Finn, Trevor Jones
Directed By: Rocco Fallon
Cast: Danny Gunn, Mark Long, Ryan Jordan, Scott Finn, Trevor Jones
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