Sparpaket - Euroglider Condoms Dispenser Box (500x)
Hersteller: Hilfsmittel Anal Penis
95,00 EUR
incl. 20 % USt
P O R T O F R E I E L I E F E R U N G bei Vorkassa oder Kreditkartenabrechnung !
Euroglider 500 dispenser
This product contains 500 condoms packed in an rectangular shaped foil and contain 200 mgr. of silicone based lubricant. The condoms have a nominal width of 52 mm and a length of 180 mm. The condoms are straight shaped and come with a reservoir.
The condoms are packed in a dispenser unit which can be used as a display unit.
Euroglider condoms are electronically tested and meet the requirements of the EN ISO 4074:2002.
= 0,19 CENT pro Kondom !!!
viel billiger als im Drogeriemarkt