Cadinot Classics 2 mit 4 Shortfilms Read Story....
Manufacturer: Cadinot Best World Studio
49,75 EUR
incl. 20 % VAT
product description
Starring: Jean-Claude Gill, Tony Allessandri, Christian Lepage, Felipe Gambas, Stephane Bremer, Sydney Mckenna, Jean-Paul Deval, Claude Varga, Ange Dominique, Diego Quinto, Jacques de Rives, Medhi Araya, David Roch, Tony Weber, Raphael Carter, Lorenzo Ponti
Running Time: Approx 200 mins
Director: Cadinot
/ Description:
is releasing his At last Cadinot is releasing his classic short
films from the early 1980s in compilation form. Seeing as how
each of these short film were for years marketed as single videos
at premium prices, this is to be welcomed.
The four shorts in Cadinot Classics 2 are Garcon De Plage, Scouts,
Tendres Adolescents and Les Hommes Preferent Les Hommes. Classic
re-issued Cadinot, and not to be missed!